Monday, February 23, 2009

It's been while--you now how it is, life gets busy. I've been a boring cook these days and am trying to spice it up with different combinations of the foods I know--so instead of chickn thighs with garlic--I've added sliced hot or sweet Italian sausage--that went over big for dinner.
I have tried a few different cuts of meat too--did not like the chuck pot roast I got--too fatty and even when cooked for four hours, tough. But I liked "kebob" chunks--which are like first cut stew meat but in larger chunks--not a bad price tag either. And those I simply simmered with onions and garlic and salt and pepper over rice with some greens. That made a nice change from stew or meatloaf.
Also I made a great three layer birthday cake for my teen. Did I mention I am not a very good baker-- Three layers because without eggs the rice flour doesn't rise too high--and anyway who doesn't like that much frosting. Guests and all family liked it (witness second helpings) and I was pleased because aside from the thorny issue of how to get layers on top of one another without breaking --Any help out there???-- it looked, tasted great and wasn't too tough to make.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the semi recipes. hope to use more vegetarian items in my cooking do you know of any healthy and nutrious vwegeatarian meals? besides rice and beans?